Anyone remember the Nobel prize winning scientist, who won the award for his work on DNA research no less, that was sacked and vilified because he believed that there was a difference in basic intelligence between races? He believed this was due to differences in DNA?

The Nobel Prize-winning DNA pioneer James Watson has been suspended by his research institution in the US. 

Dr Watson has drawn severe criticism over remarks he made in a British newspaper at the weekend. 

In the interview, he was quoted as saying Africans were less intelligent than Europeans

Anyways, after the political correctness or Evilsod brigade publically lynched him for having the audacity to make his educated opinion that he believed he had scientific backing for, it turns out further research has been making waves that is starting to come to the same conclusions that this "racist prick did"

There is a difference in the DNA structure of Africans and Europeans/Persians/Asians. Turns out we have interbred with Neanderthal. 

Any human whose ancestral group developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them – between 1 and 4 per cent of their genome, Pääbo's team estimates. In other words, humans and Neanderthals had sex and had hybrid offspring. A small amount of that genetic mingling survives in "non-Africans" today: Neanderthals didn't live in Africa, which is why sub-Saharan African populations have no trace of Neanderthal DNA.


These changes occurred in genes linked to cognition, skin and bone development, and reproduction, but they don't explain what makes us human, because they occurred after humans split from Neanderthals 500,000 years ago.

So there it is. Interbreeding lead to slight variations in brain development. 

Oh my god. The science is racist. Lets ban teh_science now. Its confirming negative stereotypes that just dont sit well with our world view and prefered belief.

I hate my job