So the Queen is in the USA and Time over the last few days has had extensive coverage of this event.,00.html

Im just not quite sure why? Everyone acts as if its some great honour to meet the Queen or Prince Charles. We still have people buying Lady Di memorabilia. Prince Harry makes headlines when he can shoot a rifle. The Queen goes to Wimbledon and its headlines again.

Why does the rest of the world continue to suffer these fools? I can understand the cultural heritage that comes with a Monarchy, but to maintain their ridiculous lifestyles and privilege just makes no sense to me. I also do no know why people care so much about them either. They are inbred to the point of looking no different country hicks. The Queen is after all the third cousin of Prince Phillip. This is retard producing level interbreeding.

They were not elected into the role. There is no performance measurement bar media scandal which still means nothing. They have no real job and their status is based on nothing more than bloodline.

Yet the Queen has a week long expose in Time magazine.

Am I missing something here? How did this Evilsod end up where she did?